An Adopt-a-Median project for the parkway on the east side of Vermont Avenue just north of Artesia Blvd. was begun in December 2022, with California native plants. FAEW is in touch with the Los Angeles County Public Works Department on their plans to restore the whole of the Dominguez Watershed with native habitat , including in the open-bottomed areas north and south of Artesia Blvd. along the east side of Vermont Avenue and south of Artesia along the Dominguez Channel bike path. Our vision is to see a restoration similar to what has been done along sections of the Los Angeles River.


The Harbor Gateway Transit Center is proposed to be rezoned as an Opportunity Area for future growth in the draft update for the Harbor Gateway Community Plan.  In the draft, it is referred to as the Harbor Gateway Regional Center.  Opportunity Areas have increased development potential which can be supported by existing transportation infrastructure. These areas would promote mixed-use projects that provide community benefits, such as mixed-income housing and open space amenities.


no new permits for oil and gas drilling, phase out of existing wells, and proper closure of wells no longer in use